Degradation of permethrin in the waste water from the laundering of impregnated uniforms, Model 90BR TE


  • Berglind Rune
  • Andersson Ann-Christine
  • Leffler Per
  • Wingfors Håkan

Publish date: 2006-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--2084--SE

Pages: 11

Written in: Swedish


  • Permethrin
  • degradation
  • chemical analysis


For personal protection against insect and tick vector-borne diseases, military uniforms are impregnated with the insecticide permetrhin. Today, the matter of impregnation of uniforms is discussed in the scientific literature. The discussion is about the effectiveness of the impregnation against the insects after the laundering of the uniforms 20 times or more. Further, little attention has so far been paid to the environmental fate of the washed-out permetrhin and the risk for pollution of the environment via the waste water. This report presents the results from a degradation study on washed-out permethrin from a washer´s waste water. The clothes were washed in accordance with the standard washing procedure followed at the Swedish missions in Liberia (UNMIL) and Afghanistan (ISAF). The degradation test was performed in accordance with the OECD Protocol 301 - Ready Biodegradation Test. After the 31 days of incubation in the dark at 20oC, the permetrhin concentration in the waste water was analysed and compared with the initial concentration. The analysis showed no degradation of the permetrhin during the incubation period. It is concluded that there is a potential environmental concern associated to the laundering of permetrhin-impregnated uniforms. Also, the report discusses potential short and long-term consequences the polluted waste water may have on the local recipient.