Publishing in web applications


  • Westerdahl Lars
  • Bengtsson Alf

Publish date: 2006-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--2142--SE

Pages: 41

Written in: Swedish


Collaboration between people is conducted over web-based applications to an increasingly larger extent. Knowledge is built and quality is assured through user participation. The Armed Forces is affected by this development through demands on using commercial products when, for instance, developing new command & control systems. The everyday working methods and tools should be useable during deployment as well. The Armed Forces are more frequently deployed on international missions, also in the role of leading nation. Collaborating with allied forces means that the command & control system must allow collaborators to publish and extract information to and from the system. Trust is a key issue for information sharing. This is especially important for non-national systems. In this report examples are given on how a nation can publish information while remaining assured that the information is treated securely and is made available to those it concern. The increasing amount of web applications with their exposure of functionality has resulted in an increase in Cross Site attacks. In this report, Cross Site attacks are described and methods for avoiding them are presented.