Technology for command and control for MOUT - TEBE II final report


  • Ahlberg Simon
  • Bergman Joakim
  • Dahlman Joakim
  • Folkesson Martin
  • Forsgren Robert
  • Hallberg Niklas
  • Hasewinkel Håkan
  • Hedström Johan
  • Johansson Mattias
  • Kylesten Birgitta
  • Söderman Ulf
  • Törne Anders
  • Ölvander Christina

Publish date: 2006-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--2176--SE

Pages: 65

Written in: Swedish


The project aim was to analyse potential functionality in a technical decision support system for use at several echelons within battalion for operations in urban terrain. In particular focus was the handling and use of 2D/3D geographically associated information and terrain models for decision situations during the planning and operational phases. A concept for such a decision support system for an international Swedish battle group was to be developed and presented as a demonstrator Dec 2007. Furthermore user experiments should be performed. The project was terminated after one year earlier than plannned. The following tasks have been executed - requirement analysis, evaluation of validation methods in field experiment, development of an interactive prototype, user workshop evaluation, and the development of terrain analysis tools. The results show that urban terrain puts special requirements on the handling of geoinformation and the process to support the military decisionmakers with geoinformation. The Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF) is recommended to perform an analysis of geoinformation requirements in urban terrain. The analysis may focus some possible cultural environments, different contexts and some typical operations. Furthermore, user experiments should be performed to validate the requirements. The use of 3D-models in the education should increase, particularly for urban operations. Finally, SwAF should evaluate faster integration (than updates base geoinformation sets) of received geoinformation in the form of maps or photos (electronic or paper format) in existing systems and systems under development.