Perspectives on Energy Security
Publish date: 2007-05-04
Report number: FOI-R--2250--SE
Pages: 81
Written in: Swedish
- energy security
- foreign policy
- infrastructure
- SCADA systems
- risk
- climate change
- end users
- energy efficiency
- EU
A common notion of Energy Security is that it includes access to energy resources without risking the survival of the state. Security of Supply is most often the concept emphasized in the political discourse on energy security and it includes both production as well as secure and safe delivery of energy to the end consumers. Another aspect of energy security is the need for reducing energy consumption by improving energy efficiency. In this report, eight chapters covering these and other perspectives on energy security are presented. Six of the chapters deal with the supply perspective. Included topics cover power politics and geopolitical perspectives regarding large infrastructure projects and the ambitions of the EU in this regard. Further, methods and approaches for conducting risk analyses of electricity supply systems as well as for improving the security of digital control systems are discussed. As climate change will affect the supply and distribution of energy, one chapter presents an overview of this topic. The consumption perspective is discussed against the backdrop of research about household consumption practices and the role of climate change for future sunsumption levels. Finally, the role of armed forces as a large energy users is touched upon, as well as how socalled future studies have dealt with energy as a topic.