Small arms fire against concrete and geological materials - Compilation of firing tests
Publish date: 2007-09-26
Report number: FOI-R--2300--SE
Pages: 50
Written in: Swedish
- Small arms fire
- concrete
- gravel
- cassettes
- building material
During the period 1992-1997 several test series were performed at FOA (FOI at present) concerning small arms projectiles mainly against different types of concrete and gravel that may be used for field fortifications. The work was financed by the Swedish Military Headquarters and the results at the time were presented without any written reports. The report in question gives a compilation of the work and comprises test protocols, evaluation of the protocols and comparisons of the protection level between the different materials and theis combinations against small arms projectiles. The firing tests were mainly performed with ammunition of calibres 7.62×39 mm, 7.62×51 mm and 12.7×99 mm. In the tests, both normal and armour piercing projectiles were used. The tests show, among other things, that concrete of higher strength gives a higher protection than lower strength concrete. Gravel poured into cassettes has mainly been tested against 7.62×39 mm projectiles and it was observed that gravel can provide for a relatively high protection against this type of projectile. In a case where the cassettes consist of steel armour the protection level can be obtained without any gravel. Also, building materials such as lightweight concrete blocks and bricks were individually tested against smalla arms fire.