Publish date: 2008-01-07
Report number: FOI-R--2397--SE
Pages: 55
Written in: Swedish
- sensor management
- sensor control
- sensor planning
- autonomous
- control
- requirement conflict resolution
- distributed sensor control
We have, during the last years, been studied a sensor management and control functionality what will be necessary in a network centric C3I system.We have characterized the functionality and found it very complex. There are many interactions with the rest of the C3I system. Sensor management and control solutions might also be used for other similar problems in the C3I system. We describe a number of important areas that need to be addressed in the sensor system together with some method suggestions. One of the current shortcomings is the lack of a unifying sensor management and control model, which is why we have started to develop such a model. A lot of work remain to be done in this area. We also point out the need for, and suggest, continuous research i the area as well as describe our view on how the sensor management and control functionality should be implemented by the defence forces. This functionality is a powerful tool to increase flexibility and responsiveness in the sensor usage. Exclusive sensor platforms may be more efficient utilized which will hold down future costs.