Afrikanska Unionen - En studie med inriktning på konflikthantering
Publish date: 2008-05-26
Report number: FOI-R--2475--SE
Pages: 52
Written in: Swedish
- African Union
- AU
- conflict management
- African Standby Force
- organization
- regional economic communities
- peace support operations
The African Union is an organization of great importance for African conflict management. The purpose of this study is therefore to increase our understanding of the AU and its organizational structure with emphasis on conflict management. Another aim is to create a foundation for future research by identifying a number of relevant research and policy questions that can be pursued in 2008. This study therefore contains a basic analysis of AU history, organization and relations to other regional actors and organizations. That section is followed by a study of the organization's organs for conflict management. This means a closer look at the Peace and Security Council, the Peace and Security Directorate and the African Standby Force. Finally, the study critically discusses a number of features of the AU in order to assess its development in the near future.