Base camp water management : challenges and way forward, towards sustainable supply practices
Publish date: 2010-04-28
Report number: FOI-R--2848--SE
Pages: 75
Written in: English
- Peace operations
- environmental protection
- water
- base camps
The characteristics of current as well as expected future settings for peace operations demand for more emphasis to be put on water supply in base camp planning and management. The research investigates possible impacts put on local environments by the water consumption of peace operations. It includes an examination of current practices and procedures for supplying base camps with water, with focus on environmental issues. The main methodology adopted for the study was a questionnaire survey which included participants from a large number of national armed forces and multinational organization representatives. In addition interviews as well as a desk study of both national as well as multinational organizations guidelines and procedures for supplying water to the camps was performed. The research was able to clearly identify several key issues and problems which together allows for a more inclusive view of the challenges facing the organizations in charge of solving base camp water supply. Hopefully the results will hence aid peace support organizations in focusing their efforts to initiatives with the maximum chance of succeeding in reducing environmental impacts of base camp water supply and reaching more sustainable practices.