Introduction to Technologies and Methods for Semantic Information Management


  • Marianela Garcia Lozano
  • Hirad Asadi
  • Andreas Horndahl
  • Edward Tjörnhammar

Publish date: 2009-12-23

Report number: FOI-R--2858--SE

Pages: 90

Written in: English


Data stored in diffferent information systems can easily grow to a large quantity over a period of time. Information management, such as retrieving the relevant data, quickly becomes a complex and tedious task. Hence, we want to be aided by the inherent structure of our data through automation. However, computer aided information management gives rise to many questions, e.g., where and how the information is stored, how the information is structured and clustered, how we retrieve the information and can algorithms help us gain any new knowledge from the current information. In this report we bring up semantic technologies as a way to interpret information, we also give concrete examples. We will also talk about the challenges that occur when using the semantic information and how they could be dealt with. The report is intended for an audience with an interest in technologies and methods for information management. It could be used as a reference for the reader who wishes to learn more on the subject.