Publish date: 2009-12-31
Report number: FOI-R--2910--SE
Pages: 23
Written in: Swedish
- urane
- gamma
- spectrometry
- isotop
- composition
- isotop
- ratio
This report describes the fundamental basis for the measurement of isotopic composition of uranium using gamma spectrometry. Moreover, the basis for gamma spectrometric age dating of uranium is described. The method for measurement of isotopic composition was compared with evaluations using a commercial software, and with reference values obtained by mass spectrometry. The results from the evaluation of the commercial software gave discrepancies relative reference values. For that reason a method for measurement uncertainty estimation for this particular kind of measurements was evaluated. This method for uncertainty estimation, the jackknife, gives resonable uncertainty estimates resulting in no significant deviations from reference values. The result of this project is that there now exists a capability to measure isotopic composition of uranium by gamma spectrometry within the Swedish radiation preparedness organisation.