Reform or turn back? NATO:s continued transformation and its impact on Sweden
Publish date: 2009-12-31
Report number: FOI-R--2920--SE
Pages: 125
Written in: Swedish
- transformation
- French re-integration
- enlargement
- partnership
- missile defence
- Sweden
NATO was celibrating its´60th anniversary at the same time as the alliance´s core tasks where more controversial than ever. The alliance is in the middle of a process to hammer out a new strategic concept, which will explain what NATO is and what the alliance should do. High on the agenda is the balance between operations far away and security on its own territory. Experiences from the Russo-Georgian war and the operations in Afghanistan are important. On top of that, new forces inside NATO are at play. The new secretary-general has a reform oriented approach and a re-integrated France may have some impact on the organization. Finally, there are a few military issues up for discussions, e.g. how to enhance a credible defence in line with the mutual defence clause, the Article V in the NATO charter. The main focus of this study is NATO´s transformation agenda, how it develops and how it affects European security and Sweden. The study explores the ongoing work on the strategic concept, and then analyzes six important issues. Within the political transformation of NATO, the new leadership, the re-integration of France, and the enlargement of the alliance are highlighted. Looking at the military transformation emphasise lies on the military factors linked to collective self-defence, the NATO Response Force, and missile defence. The report is one of many from FOI.s NATO studies.The most recent one before this report was called "The Future Direction of NATO" (FOI-R--2491--SE, mars 2008).