Object and service oriented security - Annual report


  • Lars Westerdahl

Publish date: 2010-12-27

Report number: FOI-R--3093--SE

Pages: 29

Written in: Swedish


  • Services
  • access control
  • object based security


This report describes the work undertaken within the project Object and serviceoriented security during 2010. The project´s main focus this year has been on access control, primarily policy and attribute based access control. An attribute based access control allows a finer grained access control of information objects, and the consumers of those objects are described with more variables than before. Hopefully this will also serve as basis for a control model where information is classified at the moment that it is requested with support of a policy, compared to the static classification information at the object´s creation and then based on an interpretation of a policy. The report also describes trends in object-based security and other commitments of the project.