Futuew command and control centres - final report


  • Jiri Trnka
  • Mats Persson
  • Pontus Hörling
  • Susanna Nilsson
  • Henrik Artman

Publish date: 2011-09-26

Report number: FOI-R--3256--SE

Pages: 84

Written in: Swedish


  • Command and control centres
  • design
  • influencing factors
  • best practice
  • contemporary research


This report summarizes the work performed in the project "SweAF Future Command and Control Centres". The aim of the report is to support design of FM command and control centres. This is accomplished by mapping contemporary research and experience in the domain of command and control centres, and by identifying factors that can influence the design of command and control centres in medium and long term. The results of this work are based on a broad analytical strategy, which consists of a literature survey, analysis of military R&D projects, workshop on command and control centres in Sweden, analysis of selected command and control centres in Sweden and abroad, and a number of interviews focusing on current SweAF command and control centres. The identified factors influencing the design of command and control centres are described and discussed in four thematic areas: design of multi-room solutions, work environment and ergonomics, technological aids and tools, and change management. The findings are discussed upon the identified influencing factors and the performed analysis as well as what it could mean for SweAF's work with the design of its future command and control centres.