Civil-military cooperation in concept and doctrine: A comparative concept analysis of comprehensive approach, COIN, civilmilitary cooperation and CIMIC
Publish date: 2012-02-13
Report number: FOI-R--3321--SE
Pages: 60
Written in: Swedish
- Civil-military relations
- Comprehensive approach
- Counterinsurgency
- Hearts and minds
This study suggests a partly problematic relation between the concepts CA (Comprehensive Approach), COIN (Counterinsurgency), civil-military relations and CIMIC (Civil-military co-operation). The concepts share a common feature; they have been developed, at different levels, by different actors, to increase the effect in operations through a harmonisation of efforts and through an identification of common objectives. Yet, CA was not developed solely as a concept for counterinsurgency, although it is applicable in such operations. The COIN-doctrines utilisation of the CA-concept is therefore a conceptual subset and describes only partly an operative implementation or use of the concept as a whole. CA describes common, concerted objectives and harmonisation in an operation in large. The COIN-doctrine describes such qualities in a counterinsurgency operation. In addition, the COIN-doctrine describes how military means can be employed, in accordance with the common civil-military objectives, to gain necessary effect where civilian actors are unable to perform necessary tasks. Some of these tasks are performed through CIMIC. This study therefore describes how CIMIC has transformed from its initial function, as a civil-military liaison and communication provision, to a "civil means enabler". This study aims to distinguish the concepts from each other and explain in what context and on what level they hold most relevance and where the concepts overlap. The findings are that CA is a strategic concept developed to enable grand strategy. In Sweden this conceptual development has resulted in a national approach, the "concerted action" (Swe. samlat agerande). The COIN-doctrine only describes such an approach within the context of a counterinsurgency campaign, when the centre of gravity is identified as the ties between the insurgents and the people. The COIN-doctrine, through its centre of gravity, widen the military need of capabilities to include civilian efforts thus changes the implication of CIMIC.