Verksamhetsrapport - Post-Blast analyser av IED för stöd till FM verksamhet med C-IED Exploitation
Publish date: 2011-12-15
Report number: FOI-R--3354--SE
Pages: 18
Written in: Swedish
- Post-blast
- sampling technique
- detection
- analysis
- threat scenario
- forensic technique
- post-blast
- distribution pattern
- explosive substances
The Swedish Armed Forces are today working to gain national competence within the field of C-IED exploitation. One area of C-IED considers analysis of explosive substances from a forensic point of view. FOI has a profound experience of explosive substances but needs to acquire a greater knowledge within the forensic field. The purpose of this project is to produce and detonate relevant IEDs and to perform chemical analysis of samples collected on the post-blast scene. The IED manufacture procedure, charge size and the specific explosive substances should be based upon information from the Swedish Armed Forces. This demands a close communication between FOI and the Swedish armed forces operating teams. The obtained knowledge of post-blast analysis and chemical dispersion around a post-blast scene is of great value for the Swedish Armed Forces IEDD- and KTSU-team. Within this first year of activity, the project has performed three detonations with various objectivities gaining new knowledge about the distribution pattern and the sampling technique. The work planed for 2012 will be based upon the results and knowledge achieved during 2011.