Final report Tools for Information Management and Analysis


  • Christian Mårtenson
  • Pontus Svenson

Publish date: 2012-12-10

Report number: FOI-R--3533--SE

Pages: 52

Written in: Swedish


  • information management
  • information fusion
  • intelligence analysis


This report summarizes the activities and results of the project Tools for Information Management and Analysis. The project started 2010 and ended 2012. Throughout these years research has been conducted with the end goal of developing new algorithms, methods and tools for information fusion and intelligence analysis. To ensure relevance of the research the project has kept a close dialogue with stakeholders and end users from the Swedish Armed Forces. Additionally, a user study was performed in which a number of fictitious but representative user profiles were developed based on interviews with intelligence analysts. The project's research can be divided into three areas: hypothesis management, heterogeneous fusion, and web based trend and threat analysis. The research resulted in an analysis tool for multi-hypothesis management, a reporting tool for input of structured information, a method for fusion of heterogeneous information, a method to identify potential terrorists on the web, and algorithms for social network analysis on networks with uncertain data. Research will continue in a follow-up project as well as in a number of closely related on-going projects.