Final report for project Energetic Systems


  • Sten E Nyholm

Publish date: 2013-12-31

Report number: FOI-R--3805--SE

Pages: 24

Written in: Swedish


  • energetic systems
  • energetic materials
  • propulsion
  • launch
  • warheads
  • insensitive
  • smoke-free propellants
  • rocket engines
  • deflagrating ignition systems
  • interior
  • ballistics
  • aluminised high explosives
  • thermal initiation
  • shock wave initiation


The Swedish Armed Forces and the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) need to analyse and evaluate weapon systems, partly for evaluation of threats and effects, partly to be able to assess systems before, during and after acquisition or testing. The three year research project Energetic Systems encompasses technology for warheads, propulsion and launch. The project ensures that competence is available within these areas for Swedish defence purposes. Research on energetic systems contributes to utilization and transfer of results to FMV and defence industry, and also contributes to ammunition safety work. The ability to support investigations of materiel for intelligence purposes and at acute technical problems is also of importance. The development of new energetic materials is primarily driven by demands for higher performance, reduced sensitivity and more environmentally friendly residues. At the same time increased demands for operative effects, personnel safety, reduced signature, and lower price are conveyed. To introduce new energetic materials into military applications in accordance with user requirements, a development work for adapting the energetic materials to each specific application is necessary. The project Energetic Systems has during 2011-2013 maintained and extended basic knowledge and competence within the application areas warheads, propulsion and launch. The project has collaborated with several activities within FOI, such as synthesis of energetic materials, underwater weapons, and evaluation of effects, but also with EU-financed studies of environmentally friendly propellants and high performance propellants. Simultaneously with elaboration of descriptions of the competence area, Energetic Systems has undertaken manufacturing and performance studies of new insensitive propellants, developed simulation tools for enhanced understanding of aluminium afterburning in blasts above ground and under water, in collaboration with evaluation an project developed models for unintentional initiation of ammunition on platforms, and initiated competence building within the area deflagrating ignition systems. Many of the research areas within the project have well established international contacts with leading research institutes and industries. FOI is actively participating in research and development within these areas in the international community, and sometimes soars to the front line of today's research.