Developing FLSC 2013 – report of realized activities
Publish date: 2014-04-29
Report number: FOI-R--3857--SE
Pages: 20
Written in: Swedish
- Studies
- Development
- Enhancement of capabilities
The purpose of this project has been to enhance the ability of the FLSC to support the Swedish Armed Forces with air combat simulations of relevance and high quality. The work done has been focused on processes, methods, and tools for conducting studies, determining modelling and simulation requirements, quality assurance, and the visualization of results and metrics in a manner that enhances analysis. A major portion of the work done has been dedicated to establishing a process for quality assurance regarding models to be used for simulation in support of studies at the FLSC. This has led to a raised awareness regarding the requirements for proper models as well as proper methods and tools to be able to support an adequate quality assurance process. Furthermore, several older documents concerning quality assurance and software tools for testing models have been recovered. These form a solid base on which future work can be based in order to reach further. Finally, the project group has established procedures for cooperation and information exchange, both within and without the FOI. These procedures have been tested during the course of the project as FLSC personnel have requested and then received technical data needed for updating older simulation models as well as building new ones. In conclusion, the work done in this project has made it possible to enhance the quality of simulation models already in use at the FLSC, and has also enhanced the ability of the FLSC to establish proper requirements for simulation models to be used in studies. A final remark is that on a higher level, much of the work done in this project has been centered on the accumulation of knowledge - both reclaiming knowledge lost to time and building new knowledge. This is the cause for what may be perceived as a scarcity in deliverables such as documentation, software, and other artefacts. However, it is important that this accumulation of knowledge provides a solid base for future work, both with regards to the ability of the FLSC to support studies, and with regards to the ordinary work done at the FLSC, i.e. tactical air combat training.