TNT/Aluminium Afterburning in Air Blasts
Publish date: 2014-12-18
Report number: FOI-R--3913--SE
Pages: 52
Written in: English
- Two-phase flow
- afterburning
- aluminium combustion
This report summarises the work that has been done over a three year period on the theory and modelling of two{phase afterburning of TNT detonation products and aluminium particles in air. The main goal of this research is to facilitate the numerical simulations of afterburning and for this, a mathematical model for two{phase for afterburning of detonation product gases and aluminium particles in ambient air is presented. The objective of this model is to evaluate the performance of high explosives, focusing on afterburning. The model incorporates interaction between phases in terms of mass, momentum and heat exchange, particle{particle collision model is included along with a model for aluminium combustion. The report also accounts for the experimental campaign that was conducted in order to provide data for validation of this model along with simulation results.