Quantum Information - technology foresight


  • Elias Amselem
  • Pontus Svenson
  • Linus Gisslén

Publish date: 2014-11-24

Report number: FOI-R--3920--SE

Pages: 54

Written in: Swedish


  • quantum information
  • quantum computing
  • quantum key distribution


Quantum information is an interdisciplinary field where quantum physics meets information theory. Quantum cryptography and quantum computing are the two parts that are more application-oriented and can potentially have a major impact on society, defense and security. The report focuses on providing an overview where we highlight the status today, ongoing technology development and forecasts of the technologies that might be available in the future. The stochastic nature of quantum physics together with the information cloning restriction enable the distribution of correlated random lists, i.e. an encryption key, between multiple parties. At the same time it is possible to obtain a warning of a potential eavesdropper in the communication line. Today there are several companies selling quantum cryptography equipment and efforts are being made in several countries to build quantum friendly fiber networks. A satellite launch is also planned to allow for the distribution of quantum correlated light particles (photons) over large distances. The quantum computer should not be confused with a supercomputer which is associated with many calculations per second. Instead it is something completely new where the efficiency comes from the ability to solve problems by using new computing methods that are not available with classical computer architecture. These new methods arise because it manipulates ones and zeros by a quantum mechanical framework. Expected is that it will be able to help in effective simulations of quantum effects, advanced searches of large databases and break or weaken several popular encryption methods. Today, a large number of different technologies are potential candidates. But until now only a few quantum mechanical ones and zeros has been demonstrated and research groups are trying to scale up experiments. Despite the low level of maturity there is D-wave which is a criticized company that already claims to be able to build a quantum computer. Despite the critics Google, NASA and Lockheed Martin have invested in the company.