Ground Based Air Defence scenario simulation tool
Publish date: 2014-10-28
Report number: FOI-R--3939--SE
Pages: 62
Written in: Swedish
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Within the project 'Weapon systems assessment' a needs analysis, with regards to support tools for the modeling and simulation of ground based air defence systems, was carried out in 2014. The analysis was motivated by Swedish Armed Forces expectations that need of support from FOI will increase for simulation of such systems. The conclusion of the analysis was that satisfactory support tools are missing, above all for simulations at scenario levels. A vision of the desired functions for a scenario simulation tool is presented in this report. This report is conceptually close to a requirements specification for the tool but lacks the level of details and the functions' priority levels necessary for being a formal requirements specification. The vision for the tool is presented in three steps. The first step is a description of the tool's prospective fields of application. Thereafter follows a set of use cases describing part of the functions that the tool would provide and that also may provide insight into how to work with the tool. Finally a more detailed description of key components and models in the tool is provided.