Reconnaissance using EO/IR sensors in maritime environment with RPAS


  • Fredrik Näsström
  • Jonas Allvar

Publish date: 2015-02-11

Report number: FOI-R--3964--SE

Pages: 22

Written in: Swedish


  • Unmanned systems
  • RPAS
  • detection range
  • simulations
  • sea surveillance


Within the project "Obemannade farkoster Temaområde UAS och Cyber" (Unmanned vehicles) we have studied marine reconnaissance with EO/IR-sensor equipped RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems). The study has mainly been oriented toward de-tection range and the multisensory simulation laboratory MSSLAB have been en-hanced with better EO/IR simulation capability in marine environments. Different weather conditions and operating conditions have been studied with respect to altitude and distance to target. A number of electro optical sensors with different wavelengths such as visual, NIR, SWIR, MWIR and LWIR have been simulated. Also the 3D object library in MSSLab has been updated with new ships. The software Seatex has been used and further developed for the target detection range analysis and detection ranges were calculated for a number of different distances and azimuths towards the target. More work should be performed to validate the calcula-tions with real world sensor measurements to assess the limitations of the simulations.