B detection
Publish date: 2014-12-30
Report number: FOI-R--4013--SE
Pages: 26
Written in: Swedish
- B-detection
- point detection
- laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
- laser induced fluorescence
- classification of biological aerosols
This report describes the background to and activities that has been performed within the B-detection project. The project has characterised experimental set-ups where biological aerosol has been examined with spectroscopic techniques. The techniques have been based on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) and to smaller extent Raman spectroscopy. Their capability to detect and classify the bioaerosol has been evaluated using multivariate data analysis methods. Facilities and methods for test and evaluation of biological detectors has also been an integral part of the work. Finally, the report contains a short summary of different technologies that have been used, or could potentially be used for biodetection applications. That part is based mainly from a book, Bioaerosol Detection Technologies, which members from the project has been responsible for and published together with Springer.