Business intelligence: health risks in international operations
Publish date: 2014-12-30
Report number: FOI-R--4030--SE
Pages: 63
Written in: Swedish
- Health risks
- operations
- trends
- health threats
- strategic issues
- conflicts
- crises management
- horizon scanning
This horizon scanning was produced within the framework of a project funded by the Swedish Ministry of Defence. The project's main purpose is to improve methods and skills in support of health threat assessments commissioned to FOI by the Swedish Armed Forces medical intelligence service (MedIntel). The overall objective is to contribute to successful health risks management in national or international operations. The project therefore continuously performs horizon scanning to better understand and describe events and trends of relevance to the research field. The analysis covers a number of perspectives, which may interact. The perspectives include: - Health threats to the individual soldier - Health threats to mission success and the strategic end state of the mission - Future threats and trends of strategic character Firstly, the report briefly describes some general trends related to international operations, including some health related trends (Chapter 2). Secondly follows a description of some of the emerging challenges in contemporary conflicts and crises situations, with particular emphasis on ecosystem- dimensions (Chapter 3). Thirdly, in chapter 4 some emerging technologies of relevance are discussed and finally in Chapter 5, a brief synthesis of what has been discussed in the report is presented, that is, trends within the health, environment, development and security nexus.