Societal crisis


  • Christoffer Wedebrand
  • Björn Nevhage
  • Misse Wester

Publish date: 2016-09-13

Report number: FOI-R--4288--SE

Pages: 73

Written in: Swedish


  • Crisis
  • societal crisis
  • definition
  • threat
  • urgency
  • disruption
  • surprise
  • uncertainty
  • societal values
  • magnitude
  • collaboration.


A range of central concepts are used within the crisis management system of Sweden. For example so called extraordinary and serious events. As well as crisis, of course. Among other things, the concepts are used in regulations that control the activities of municipal, regional and national public actors. Hence, they might be supposed to affect what these actors actually do. Sometimes definitions cause confusion. But a good definition can possibly lead to positive effects for the crisis management. By clarifying things. Guiding the actions of the actors. And by helping them to understand each other. In an earlier study, the Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI), at the request of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), examined a central concept for the crisis management of the Swedish society. Namely societal crisis. The present study can be viewed as a continuation of this. Focus is put on investigating how the concept is understood by those public organizations, who could be argued to have the responsibility of managing crises in the Swedish society. The study´s main objective is to find criteria to a definition of the concept. Another objective is try to take a stand upon the criteria. The study combines two kinds of methods. Namely a limited literature review, as well as interviews which are analyzed using thematic analysis. An in depth discussion is carried out on the basis of the results of the thematic analysis.