Simulation of radar for moving target detection behind a corner
Publish date: 2017-11-27
Report number: FOI-R--4460--SE
Pages: 32
Written in: Swedish
- radar
- multipath propagation
- urban environment
- simulation
This report describes simulation and analysis studies concerning radar detection and positioning of moving targets behind a corner. Both two studies exploit multipath propagation and aim at urban operation applications. The first study address the task of positioning moving targets behind a corner. A radar system solution has been simulated using electromagnetic calculations and an algorithm for positioning has been developed. The algorithm has successfully been applied to simulation data. A robust positioning of moving targets have been achieved by using a stationary, scanning radar antenna with a narrow antenna lobe. A good correspondence between the true target positions and the predicted target positions have been found, also for multiple targets and when uncertainties are introduced to the geometrical input, required by the positioning algorithm. The results indicate that tracking will be possible. The second study is a continuation that address the possibility for a radar on a moving platform to detect moving targets behind a corner. Similar to the first study, a radar system solution has been simulated and an algorithm for detection has been tested on simulated data. Using a fixed radar antenna with a wide antenna lobe, target detection has been achieved. Target motion direction and target speed relative to the radar have also been determined.