Emergency stockpiling – an overview of stockpiling as a tool for increased security of supply in Sweden


  • Ann-Sofie Stenerus
  • Anders Odell
  • Johan Lindgren
  • Per Larsson

Publish date: 2019-01-18

Report number: FOI-R--4644--SE

Pages: 109

Written in: Swedish


  • emergency stock piling
  • civil defence
  • total defence
  • emergency preparedness
  • management
  • financing


This paper provides a review of Swedish emergency stockpiling with the objective of exploring: methods for strengthening security of supply in crisis and war; aspects to consider while planning for a new emergency stockpiling system; and current Swedish developments regarding the issue at hand. The results are based on interviews and a literature review including historical and international examples. The study focuses on state controlled emergency stockpiling. Emergency stockpiling is but one way of strengthening the security of supply. Other tools include methods affecting consumption (e.g. rationing), production (e.g. increased self-sufficiency), and imports / exports (e.g. international agreements). Organization, financing, and location/distribution are important aspects when planning an emergency stockpiling system. There are several ways to design the organization where the government and private sector parties take on different roles with regards to decision-making, responsibility, and ownership. Today, emergency stockpiling still exist in some Swedish sectors. A systematic assessment of which needs a stockpiling system is to fill is although required. The study identifies numerous challenges that need to be addressed. For instance, involving the private sector is considered essential.