The Swedish risk- and vulnerability analysis system - a result report from a survey conducted in 2019
Publish date: 2020-01-29
Report number: FOI-R--4803--SE
Pages: 63
Written in: Swedish
- Risk and Vulnerability Assessment
- survey
- evaluation
- monitoring
- emergency preparedness
Since the beginning of the 2000s all Swedish authorities, municipalities and county councils have been mandated to carry out Risk and Vulnerability Assessments (RVA). The work with conducting RVA's is important for the Swedish crisis management system. During 2019 FOI has conducted a commissioned research project for the Ministry of Justice, aiming to evaluate the introduction of RVA's. This report presents the results of a survey that FOI conducted together with Statistics Sweden (SCB) in 2019. The survey aimed at identifying and evaluating what practitioners working with RVA consider to be the benefits with RVA's and whether the work leads to the desired action and development the crisis management system is in need of. The report presents descriptive data for the survey questions: background questions, questions about the work with RSA and questions about reporting RVA. The report can be read as an indepth additional documentation to the main report issued by FOI in 2020 "Knowledge for contingency planning: What effects have Risk and Vulnerability Analysis generated so far and how could its usefulness increase?".