Scenarios for municipalities and municipal rescue services during heightened alert
Publish date: 2020-02-10
Report number: FOI-R--4823--SE
Pages: 35
Written in: Swedish
- heightened alert
- emergency services
- scenario
- civil defense
- planning work
This report presents a scenario that can be used by municipalities in the planning of rescue services during heightened alert and war, and by MSB and the county administrative boards to effectively support the municipalities in this work. The scenario consists of a basic scenario, type events and a set of question. The basic scenario is based on FOI's previously developed case scenarios "Typfall 4" and "Typfall 5". It is adapted to support organizations in the understanding of what tasks may arise during heightened alert, how they should plan for their operation and what capabilities and resources they may need. The scenario should also be able to function as a support within the municipalities' other activities for the planning of civil defense during heightened alert. The scenario has been developed by FOI on behalf of MSB within the framework of MSB's overall work with rescue services under heightened alert (RUHB).