Handbook vulnerability, lethality and risk assessments. DRaft 2019


  • Sofia Hedenstierna
  • Mats Hartmann
  • Matilda Ågren
  • Farhad Rouhani

Publish date: 2019-12-16

Report number: FOI-R--4867--SE

Pages: 63

Written in: Swedish


  • lethality assessment
  • vulnerability assessment
  • risk assessment
  • V/L
  • weapon
  • ammunition
  • target
  • kill
  • incapacitation
  • personnel


Assessments and assessment methodologies are concepts used in many different applications within organizations like the Armed Forces, FOI and FMV. Since different organizations sometimes uses the same notations but with different meanings, it is not always certain how they shall be interpreted. The focus of this handbook is assessment of weapon effects in different targets. This handbook, which is under continuous development, aims to describe different types of assessment methodologies, notations, concepts and to collect examples of how assessment can and should be performed. The ability to perform assessments is crucial in the process to quantify and illustrate the benefits of technologies or research areas that are more fundamental on a platform or system level, from both a lethality and a vulnerability point of view. As an example the risk of injuring own soldiers and civilians when fragmenting warheads are used can be estimated based upon knowledge on warheads and assessment methodologies. Assessments can also be used to support procurement, development studies, evaluation of tactical instructions, and defence planning. The aim of the he collection of methodologies and notations in this handbook is to support a structured work process for assessments. It will also serve as a comprehensive introduction for new staff. The latest version of the handbook has been extended with new chapters on "Capability degradation and kill", "Integrated analysis", "Indirect use of results", and "Validations and verification". The document has also been restructured in order to include the new chapters.