Developing resilience capabilities for a comprehensive defence - reviewing the possibilities for future development
Publish date: 2020-02-11
Report number: FOI-R--4921--SE
Pages: 68
Written in: Swedish
- Civil Defence
- Resilience capabilities
- Government-wide planning
- Comprehensive defence
- capability based planning
The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) commissioned the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) to throughout 2019 offer methodological support for developing resilience capabilities within the Swedish civil defence (LFU). This study constitutes a continuation based on work previously carried out by FOI in autumn of 2018. The study gives a partial account of the ongoing work being carried out in the field of civil defence. The introductory chapter of the study will provide the reader with a historical perspective of the developments leading up to the 1989 publication of the study "Civil preparedness for the future/Civil beredskap inför framtiden". The study, was carried out by the since decommissioned "Board of directors for civil preparedness" (ÖCB) and constitutes the agency's final account of work relating to LFU. The chapter will also include a discussion as to why activities surrounding civil capability based planning seized following the publication of the aforementioned 1989 study. The following chapter is based on interviews and workshops carried out by FOI and discusses the possibilities, challenges and various success factors that needs to be taken into consideration should work pertaining to civil capability based planning resume.