Effective and equivalent dose from inhalation after a nuclear explosion


  • Kennet Lidström
  • Annika Tovedal
  • Torbjörn Nylén

Publish date: 2020-12-31

Report number: FOI-R--4969--SE

Pages: 33

Written in: Swedish


  • inhalation
  • dose
  • dose rate
  • nuclear weapons
  • effective dose
  • internal dosimetry
  • equivalent dose
  • U-235
  • fission products


The aim of this study is to provide an initial estimate on how much inhalation dose a light working person will receive from inhalation of radioactive particles during a defined situation. The situation is based on a nuclear explosion with a yield of 100 kiloton U-235 and the calculation point is situated 30 km downwind from the point of explosion. Inhalation doses during different time intervals were calculated. The results show that the effective dose contribution will exceed the annual dose limits for Swedish workers but the effective dose is lower than the dose levels that can cause acute radiation effects.