A secure food supply - Lessons from the pandemic
Publish date: 2021-02-18
Report number: FOI-R--5120--SE
Pages: 46
Written in: Swedish
- food supply chain
- food security
- corona
- corona pandemic
- grocery store
- food industry
- transport
- supply of goods
The Swedish Food Agency has tasked FOI with carrying out a study of the effects of the covid-19 pandemic on the security of food supply in Sweden. The study reveals three particular challenges. The first challenge relates to the way in which covid-19 restrictions led to major changes in patterns of food consumption. The consumption of food in large catering establishments and restaurants has decreased while household food con-sumption has increased. Grocery stores have seen a significant increase in the demand for their products. Labour supply has been a second challenge. Although the situation currently ap-pears to be resolved, there is continued concern among industry stakeholders over access to labour. A third challenge has been securing the supply of input goods for the food industry. However, companies have been impacted by this challenge to varying extents. A general finding is that the initial restrictions on border crossings within the EU caused problems for nearly all stakeholders dependent on the continual flow of goods. Subsequent EU measures aimed at ensuring safe and efficient border crossings were significant in restoring this flow. The study concludes that there is a continued need to plan for various types of extraordinary events. The security of food supply was not threatened during the covid-19 pandemic, but that does not guarantee that the system can withstand other types of challenges, or a pandemic with different societal consequences.