The Swedish Fortifications Agency's options for achieve climate neutrality - Results from horizon scanning and workshops conducted in 2021/22


  • Annica Waleij
  • Louise Simonsson

Publish date: 2022-05-20

Report number: FOI-R--5316--SE

Pages: 53

Written in: Swedish


  • The Swedish Fortifications Agency
  • climate neutrality
  • net zero emissions
  • climate adaptation


The Swedish Fortifications Agency has commissioned FOI to perform an analysis regarding climate neutrality linked to its fortifications and operations. The study presented here, has aimed to clarify which main factors and dimensions the Swedish Fortifications Agency needs, and can, take into account in its journey towards climate neutrality. The study is presented in two parts (Chapters). Chapter 1 presents the result from a series of structured discussions in a workshop format whereas Chapter 2 is an analysis of the surrounding world in a number of selected areas. The two Chapters can be read separately, but together they form an overall picture of available alternatives, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the Swedish Fortifications Agency's specific starting points that should be taken into account when the Agency will make decisions, accentuate goals and draft action plans. For the described areas, perspectives on climate neutrality linked to security as well as robustness have been taken into account.