European Defence Fund 2022. Analysis of participation and allocated funds


  • Ann Lundberg
  • Anton Hammarstedt

Publish date: 2024-04-10

Report number: FOI-R--5586--SE

Pages: 51

Written in: Swedish


  • European Defence Fund
  • EDF
  • defence companies
  • research
  • development
  • defence equipment


The European Defence Fund (EDF) is an EU instrument for funding of research and development in defence. The purpose of this study is to account for the outcome of the 2022 application round for EDF. Entities from France, Germany, Italy and Spain together account for approximately half of the 781 participations and 60 percent of the 816 million euros in allocated funds. Companies have received 80 percent of the allocated funds and account for more than two-thirds of the participation. France, Germany, Italy and Spain participate in the space category to a relatively high degree. Swedish entities account for 26 participations and 35.4 million euros in allocated funds, which corresponds to 4.3 percent of total funds. For Sweden, too, companies account for the largest share of both participation and allocated funds. Swedish participation is relatively higher in the categories sensors, ground combat and air combat.