Chemical Agents
FOI conducts research and method development covering the whole of the analytical chain from sampling to the expert interpretation of analytical data.
Our sphere of expertise includes quantitative and qualitative analysis and sampling across a wide range of research areas. Some of these activities are accredited to ISO 17025.
Examples of areas in which FOI is working include:
- Research into questions relating to the verification and monitoring of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC).
- Identification of biomarkers, especially exposure markers for chemical warfare agents.
- Characterisation of particle-associated substances.
- Identifying and determining the structural details of biomolecules, for example naturally occurring protein toxins and toxins from algae.
- Forensics.
- Drug analysis assignments for the life sciences sector.
In the area of sampling FOI is competent to deal with samples of a highly diverse range of materials, for example soil, sediment, water, aerosols, foodstuffs and biological material to name just a few.
We are one of the laboratories certified by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) for the analysis of chemical warfare agents. This activity is fully accredited and includes, for example, annual laboratory comparisons and the development of analysis methods. Tasks include analyses of chemical warfare agents in environmental samples of water and soil, for example. We also develop methodology for the verification of human exposure to chemical warfare agents through the identification of so-called biomarkers.