Risk and Vulnerability Analysis
All organisations have to manage uncertainties that vary in character, extent and duration. It is important to define and follow up the particular areas of responsibility and to make it possible for organisation and activities to be effective even in the event of serious incidents and crises. FOI can provide support throughout the risk management process embracing risk assessment, vulnerability assessment and overall risk management.
Where critical infrastructure is concerned, it must be possible to maintain the most vital functions. Prevention and foresight are fundamental to good emergency preparedness. In order to identify current and future threats there needs to be continuous analysis of risks and vulnerabilities. And to be able to create and maintain a good crisis management capability it is important to have good insight into the strengths and weaknesses of particular organisations and particular areas of responsibility, not only in themselves but also in relation to other organisations and activities where there may be, for example, critical dependencies.
Moreover, it is important to take steps to remedy identified vulnerabilities and gaps in capability. A general crisis management capability allows flexibility in dealing with all kinds of events.