Knowledge transfer - a first survey


  • Åsa Waern

Publish date: 2008-11-12

Report number: FOI-R--2580--SE

Pages: 23

Written in: Swedish


  • knowledge
  • tacit
  • explicit
  • knowledge transfer
  • organisation


Knowledge transfer capacity is highly dependent on what kind of knowledge that will be transferred. The project a survey of knowledge transfer study technical knowledge transfer designated to increase the Armed Forces capacity. Dissemination of research results are dissemination of knowledge, both explicit and tacit knowledge. The knowledge transfer can not be seen as an isolated activity. It is highly integrated with the research question and problem solving. Efficient knowledge transfer, within as well as between organisations, demands well defined processes and methods. The management has the responsibility to create an atmosphere that encourages dissemination of knowledge. Furthermore, the management needs to understand the dynamic and psychology behind personal knowledge. Knowledge management deals more with managing people than processing data and information. Processes needs to be found to make the tacit knowledge communicable. There is also a lack of knowledge on how to establish a research program and the effect of social networks containing of strong and weak ties for knowledge and technology transfer. An efficient strategy to disseminate knowledge is through job rotation. Furthermore, the entrepreneurship research emphasizes the social network. There are several ongoing activities with the purpose to facilitate knowledge transfer and this report discusses three activities, namely Armed Forces contact person, KUPAL and IML.