A Stochastic Multihop Network Model
Publish date: 2009-08-25
Report number: FOI-R--2751--SE
Pages: 17
Written in: English
- Ad hoc network
- delay
- Markov model
- multihop
- path length
Multihop networks achieve robustness and area-coverage by relaying of messages through intermediate nodes. Mobile tactical ad hoc-networks use multihop technique to be independent of pre-deployed infrastructure. This report describes a basic stochastic simulation model of the end-to-end traffic flow through a multihop network. The main idea is to model a route in network as a single link without the need to consider a detailed internal protocol functionality or node behaviour, such as mobility, routing and traffic. Primary uses for this kind of model would be network-of-network simulations and evaluations of applications used in ad hoc networks.