Koordinering och samordning i fredsoperationen i Demokratiska Republiken Kongo


  • Arvid Ekengard

Publish date: 2009-09-29

Report number: FOI-R--2805--SE

Pages: 57

Written in: Swedish


  • Peace operations
  • Coordination
  • Command and Control
  • Democratic Republic of Congo


Contemporary multidimensional peace operations typically require the participation of several organizational entities. As a result, it is neccessary to coordinate their respective activities, in order to ensure the coherence of the operation as a whole. This report analyzes the issue of coherence in the context of the peace operation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It has been undertaken to provide empirical data for the FOI project Command and Control in Multifunctional Operations, which aims to support the Swedish Armed Forces Joint Concept Development and Experimentation Centre with conceptual development in preparation for Multinational Experiment 6. The focal point of the report is the United Nations Mission in the DRC, MONUC. The primary instrument employed to ensure coherence within MONUC has been the Integrated Missions concept. The report analyzes the reference to internal MONUC coordination at the local level. In addition to discussing coordination mechanisms within MONUC, the report covers attempts to coordinate MONUC´s work with that of three sets of actors: the European Union, the Congolese authorities, and the development and humanitarian community. A separate section is devoted to coordination and coherence in Security Sector Reform initiatives in the DRC. An issue of particular concern is the impact of the non-permissive environment in the DRC on coordination efforts and the division of labor between different actors.