Generic EW Defensive Suit - An overview
Publish date: 2012-04-17
Report number: FOI-R--3408--SE
Pages: 30
Written in: Swedish
- sensors
- counter action
- countermeasure
- EW
This report is published by the FOI project" Defensive Aid Suit in Maritime Environment" in the research area of Electronic Warfare. The report describes frame and function for the parts needed for a generic Defensive Aid Suit (DAS). By generic DAS a general description of the building blocks and functions that defines DAS. The generic DAS should be applicable to all types of platforms. Main focus is on single platform. The report should be read by those who are working with or those who are about to start work with DAS. The generic DAS consists of three major parts, sensor systems, logic unit and counteraction systems. In counteraction systems both soft kill and hard kill are included in order to achieve an optimized DAS. Some areas of research have been identified that requires more studies in order to get a DAS that is fully functional. These areas are: ? Integration with the Command and Control System ? Sensor systems handled by operators ? Library functionality ? When is a threat considered taken care of depending on counter action ? Evaluation of chosen counteraction The purpose with this report is to serve as a guide for personal working with questions related to DAS.