Description of methods and assumptions used for the report Injury panoramas and dimensioning conceptualizations for the Swedish healthcare system in the event of an attack with a weapon of mass destruction


  • Oscar Björnham
  • Anders Bucht
  • Lina Thors
  • Leif Å Persson
  • Laila Noppa
  • Göran Ågren
  • Sofia Sivertsson
  • Martin Goliath

Publish date: 2024-10-30

Report number: FOI-R--5653--SE

Pages: 26

Written in: Swedish


  • injury panoraman
  • dimensioning conceptualizing
  • CBRN
  • injury outcome
  • Swedish health care system


In 2023, the National Board of Health and Welfare, the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), and the Swedish Armed Forces received a government assignment titled Uppdrag att ta fram nyckeltalsberäkningar och dimensionerande målbilder för hälso- och sjukvården (S2022/04257). FOI's standalone contribution is found in appendix 3 of the final report, published by the National Board of Health and Welfare, and is titled Skadepanoraman och dimensionerande målbilder för hälso- och sjukvården vid anfall med massförstörelsevapen (translated to Injury Panoramas and Dimensioning Conceptualizations for the Swedish Healthcare System in the event of an Attack with a Weapon of Mass Destruction). In that appendix, FOI presents a number of scenarios that together constitute a basis for the dimensioning conceptualizations for the Swedish healthcare system in the event of attacks with weapons of mass destruction. The report focuses on the results and their interpretations to clearly describe injury panoramas and dimensioning conceptualizations, while briefly explaining the reasoning processes and methods used for the scenarios. However, the process of quantitatively analysing the scenarios required additional methods and assumptions that were not described in full detail; this report addresses those aspects. In combination with the information provided in appendix 3, this report fully accounts for all the presented injury panoramas and dimensioning conceptualizations concerning weapons of mass destruction within the scope of the current governmental assignment.