Maps Middle East

The maps may be downloaded and used with a reference to the Swedish Defence Research Agency.

Click on a map to extend the picture.


Bild, karta, SyrienZoom image

Overview of Cyprus in the Eastern Mediterranean, Design: Marianna Serveta, FOI

The Red Sea and the Gulf of AdenZoom image

The Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, Design: Per Wikström, FOI


Läget i norra Syrien, 2022Zoom image

The situation in northern Syria, 2022. Design: Per Wikström, FOI

De turkiska sunden och SvartahavsområdetZoom image

De turkiska sunden och Svartahavsområdet. Design: Marianna Serveta, FOI

Approximate situation in Libya in 2021Zoom image

Approximate situation in Libya in 2021. Design: Per Wikström, FOI

Claimed economic zones in the eastern MediterraneanZoom image

Claimed economic zones in the eastern Mediterranean. Design: Per Wikström, FOI

IsraelZoom image

Israel. Design: Per Wikström, FOI

EgyptZoom image

Egypt. Design: Per Wikström, FOI

GreeceZoom image

Greece. Design: Per Wikström, FOI

TurkeyZoom image

Turkey. Design: Per Wikström, FOI

Claimed economic zones in the eastern MediterraneanZoom image

Claimed economic zones in the eastern Mediterranean, 2022. Design: Per Wikström, FOI

Eastern Mediterranean regionZoom image

Eastern Mediterranean region. Design: Per Wikström, FOI

Eastern Mediterranean/North Africa regionZoom image

Eastern Mediterranean/North Africa region. Design: Per Wikström, FOI

Potential territorial sea boundaries in the Aegean SeaZoom image

Potential territorial sea boundaries in the Aegean Sea. Design: Per Wikström, FOI

The Turkish StraitsZoom image

The Turkish Straits. Design: Per Wikström, FOI

Russian warship port calls in the north-western Indian Ocean, 2018–21Zoom image

Russian warship port calls in the north-western Indian Ocean, 2018–21. Design: Per Wikström, FOI


The Turkish StraitsZoom image

The Turkish Straits. Design: Per Wikström, FOI


Territorialhavsgränser i Egeiska havetZoom image

Territorialhavsgränser i Egeiska havet. Design: Per Wikström, FOI

Ekonomiska zoner i Levantiska sjön. Design: Per Wikström, FOIZoom image

Ekonomiska zoner i Levantiska sjön. Design: Per Wikström, FOI

Last updated: 2023-08-15